As long as people know the risks, if they want to have that experience, I have no problems with it, just don’t come crying to me when your computer or phone becomes nothing more than a doorstop. This is probably all a function of getting older and having had those “fun” experiences of crashing computers and cellphones and not wanting to have to deal with that any more, but that’s fine. As with my computer, all the software I need or want is within the walled garden. It was fun and exhilarating but I have left that behind because I know/knew the risks and don’t need to do that any more. I have also tinkered with my iPhone, jailbreaking and unlocking the various models I have owned.

If it works for them, great, there is nothing wrong with that. I have no problem with the walled garden and the experience Apple or anyone else is trying to provide to their customers. As the original poster said, if the applications you want and need are within that wall, then fine & dandy, all is well. Having enjoyed all those experiences, I gradually came to the realization that I didn’t have to worry about all that in a “walled garden” type of situation, so I slowly migrated and have been quite happy ever since. I’ve lost entire hard drives worth of data in some of those great experiences. I’ve been around long enough to have “enjoyed” the experience of having to re-install Windows or erase/reformat/reinstall the hard drive or having to install a complete new hard drive because of infection by a virus or malware.